Joint Stock Company«Scientific Technical Center
«Industrial Safety»
JSC «STC «Industrial Safety»

(495) 500-51-98
(495) 540-46-42
(916) 201-22-16


Non-state examination of project documentation

November 28, 2011 signed the Federal Law № 337-FL "On Amendments to the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation." The law aims to address three main issues: improving the quality of project documentation through the development of non-governmental Institute of expertise, the introduction of property liability of owners of buildings and structures, regulation of buildings and structures.

The new rules of the Town Planning Code, which entered into force on April 1, 2012, specify the grounds and procedure for implementation of state and non-state examination of project documentation and engineering research.

In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 50 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian property developer or customer, or performing under a contract with the developer or customer preparation of project documentation person may submit project documentation and engineering research outcomes made to prepare a project document for non-state examination.

The order of non-state examination of the design documentation for capital construction and (or) with respect to the results of engineering studies for the preparation of the documentation attached Government Resolution of 29 dekabrya2008, № 1070 "On the non-state examination of project documentation and engineering research."

Non-governmental organizations, expertise is accredited in accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation, initiated by the developer, customer or person engaged under a contract with the developer or customer of the preparation of project documentation and engineering research.

The object of non-governmental expertise are project documentation, in whole or its individual sections and the results of engineering research.

Non-state examination may be conducted in respect of project documentation and engineering survey results of any item of capital construction (single phase of construction, reconstruction, major repairs), including objects of capital construction, project documentation is in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation shall be subject to mandatory state examination.

JSC "STC" Industrial safety "is accredited by Ministry of Regional Development of Russia on the holding of non-state examination of project documentation (certificate of accreditation for the right of non-state examination of project documentation № 77-2-5-017-10 on March 12, 2010.

Schedule of non-state examination of project documentation  

Completed projects:

  • Finally, non-state examination of project documentation, "External power supply and the TC-220kV JSC" Moscow Oil Refinery. "(GPP-3 building of the Moscow Oil Refinery);
  • Finally, non-state examination of project documentation, "External power supply and the TC-220kV JSC" Moscow Oil Refinery. "(CL-220 kV substation Chagino - the territory of the Moscow Oil Refinery);
  • Finally, non-state examination of project documentation, "External power supply and the TC-220kV JSC" Moscow Oil Refinery. "(The building of the Moscow Oil Refinery GIS);
  • Finally, non-state examination of project documentation, "Reconstruction of CDU-AVT-6 JSC" Gazprom Neft-refinery ";
  • Finally, examination of project documentation of non-state "system of natural gas," Gazprom Neft - MOR ".


The scientific and practical potential of specialists and experts from the center allows for assessment of conformity of technical solutions, pledged in the project documentation for construction of technically complex and unique objects.

In providing these services are gaining experience in making technical decisions, which are used in the development of instruments in the field of standardization.

As a result - STC "Industrial safety" has become one of the participants to develop a new national standard, "Buildings and structures. Rules of the survey and monitoring of technical condition."

STC "Industrial safety" also has practical experience in the development of the declarations of industrial safety in the design documentation, and has access to works that have an impact on the safety of capital construction (development of the Declaration of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities, the certificate № 175.01-2012-7709666234-P -076 from the city 02.0.42012).